Tuesday, September 15, 2009

My name

I've always hated my name and i've actually figured out why, i think its probably because i got teased by it by my brothers. Since my name is Beatriz my brothers made a nickname for me, they said it was the best nickname in the world so i agreed, and since then my brothers have been calling me ugly betty.

In someways i do like my name, beacuse its pretty easy to remember and i can laugh at the people who cant write my name well. My name means the blessed traveller, and it come from italy. There are many reasons why i like my name, since its my grandmas name it makes it as though, my grandma is stading right nect to me. Every time start thinking about my name i fee; as though my grandma is trying to send me a message, that is not getting through. I really love my grandma, even though I've not seen her since two years ago, she lives in th eother side of th eworld so its really hard to talk or visit her. My name is very especiall to me even though i dont act like it is, but that is just a mask trying to cover the truth, from the real world.


  1. Lots of feeling in this piece - I liked the part about your brothers, and especially the part about your grandmother. Very moving. An Italian name - very cool - could you have made more of that? What is the connection with Italy? It is an exotic, unusual twist on a name, and I would have liked to have read more about that. Please go back in and formalize your punctuation, spelling and capitalization. Make sure that you write in 'Word' first and then post here. Going over the requirements in the rubric (posted on Moodle) is a very good way to ensure that your future postings are more formal. Your voice came through in this piece, which was pleasing.
