Sunday, September 27, 2009

Get Closer and you will Never Forgive Yourself

In the Greek myth, "Pandora" and African myth "Orphan boy" there is curiosity and i think the main idea is "How curiosity changes the life's of people, and how it can ruin your life". Since there are two bad things in these two myths, they realize that they didn't want to know but just couldn't help themselves to it. In the Greek myth "Pandora" there is a magical box that was told to never get opened, first it was fine but then Pandora got curios and as the curiosity got larger it blinded her and didn't leasen to Zeus so chaos came to earth. In the African myth "Orphan boy" there was magic and love but then as the old man finds out the secret the magic is over, hes lonely and sad.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Summary paragraph- creation myth

Phan ku was the story of a monster, who came out of nothing (an egg) he created a world, since he was big and strong Phan ku swung his chisel to cut the earth from the sky. He created Sea from his blood and the thunder was his voice, Phan ku wasn't a scary monster that was going to kill you he had a meaning in life and that meaning was to create the world for the humans. When Phan ku died, the world was finally complete he made humans from the fly's surrounding him grass from his hair and water from his blood.

Creation myths- how are they alike?

Many Myths are reasons to why things happened, how we were created and how was the world created. They change as they go on, every time they will get stronger, crazier, wiser and sometimes they get fake. Every religion has different myths, but many of them are the same, and that is what bind every culture together. The two myths that are a lot alike are " The woman who came from the sky" and "Turtle dives into the bottom of the sea", they are alike because their meanings are the same.

What i mean when i say they are alike, i dont mean that their totally the same but, they both have the same places and they both are about gods and most of all their both about the creation of the world and how he became to be. Their are both the same story but in two different ways and religion. If i had to say what some of the same related stuff in this two myths are i would say, that they are both in water and they got the earth from the same place and they practically created the world the same way, but they are different because their cultures crated them different and they are both from different cultures.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

My name

I've always hated my name and i've actually figured out why, i think its probably because i got teased by it by my brothers. Since my name is Beatriz my brothers made a nickname for me, they said it was the best nickname in the world so i agreed, and since then my brothers have been calling me ugly betty.

In someways i do like my name, beacuse its pretty easy to remember and i can laugh at the people who cant write my name well. My name means the blessed traveller, and it come from italy. There are many reasons why i like my name, since its my grandmas name it makes it as though, my grandma is stading right nect to me. Every time start thinking about my name i fee; as though my grandma is trying to send me a message, that is not getting through. I really love my grandma, even though I've not seen her since two years ago, she lives in th eother side of th eworld so its really hard to talk or visit her. My name is very especiall to me even though i dont act like it is, but that is just a mask trying to cover the truth, from the real world.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

I ....

I chose this picture, because it reminded me of pirates and how they would travel every were to find their treasure. I find this picture very especial, because it has The moon really close to the ship and its almost going to sink down this tells me that the ship is going towards the Moon.